Swimming in the pool of the sham community
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Swimming in the pool of the sham community
When social innovations take off
What costs nothing, that is worth nothing.
This realization is not deceptive, because it is a reality with which we have to live.
It is also a reality that projects are pushed and end more or less quickly, when the flow of money ends.
If a certain form of prosperity is achieved, then the desire for more only arouses private needs.
The desire, the strength, the joy of participating in such visions ends where -at the latest- sense of community starts to develop.
Involvement in an altruistic Think Tanks is always measured by the question, who is helping, - How does that benefit me?
Since all this is known, it is simply valid to say: continue!
Labels: Boris Bjoernsteinn, Norbert R. Pintsch
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 1:15 PM,