Action days in Flateyri
Friday, October 18, 2024
Sigga and Senta with Sabine: Uplifting the IDM
The collection, which had become disorganized over time, was sorted using the old catalog and unique items were marked with a white label.
Some illustrations were missing in the old catalogue, so a new edition is necessary.
Existing banners were positioned and two display boxes were mounted, and still valid posters were used to create a common thread from the display cases to the seating area for visitors.
Sigga and Senta put together a list of the next steps.
To provide support, the museum's foreign circle of friends compiles materials and emails them to the IDM for printing.
The IDM in the evening hours.
Labels: .., CULTURA-Nauen, DGFK-Berlin, elcampomirando.blogspot, Sabine Piltz, SEMOLiceland, Senta Siller, thattakedona.blogspot
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:08 AM,
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Now activ for the museum fond: Sigga Julia !
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Labels: CULTURA e V Nauen, DGFK e V Berlin, id-Musem Flateyri, Senta Siller
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:34 AM,
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New Donation from Friends of the Flateyri Doll Collection
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Pic Nr 01
Material Zelluloid
Abmessung 17cm
Baby, Kopf-Haar angemalt,bewegliche Armen und Beine, Baumwollkleid ueber Strampelanzug
Pic Nr 02
Material fest
Abmessung 42 cm
Maedchen, Kunsthaarlocken m. Schleife, bewegl.Arm und Beine, Kleid mit Samt und Spitze
Pic Nr 03
Material fest
Abmessung 45 cm
Jungen-Baby m. bewegl.Armen und Beinen, kurze blonde KunsthaareStoffpuppe, Strampelanzug weiss
Pic Nr 04
Material weiche Plastik
Abmessung 32 cm
Beschreibung :
Maedchen, Kunsthaare mit Kaeppi, bewegl.Augen, bew.Arm und Bein, Jacke und Muetze Baumwoll-Haekelei
Pic Nr 05
Material Gummi-Plastik
Abmessung 55 cm
Maedchen m. Blondem Kunsthaar u. Tuch, bew. Augen, bew. Arm und Bein, Baumwoll-Kittel mit rotem Besatz
Pic Nr 06
Material Plastik
Abmessung 40 cm
im Karton m. Staender, Maedchen m.Kunsthaar, Arm + Bein fest, Stoffpuppe, kariertes Sommerkleid
Pic Nr 07
Material Steingut
Abmessung 40 cm
Maedchen m. Blonden Kunsthaar und Zopf, Arm und Bein fest, Stoffpuppe, lange gerueschte Unterhose, darueber Kleid mit weissem Aermel und Kragen
Pic Nr 08
Material Porzellan, weiss
Abmessung 30 cm
Fernost, Kopf und Arm und Beine Porzellan, Stoffpuppe, trad. Gewand, Anzug blau mit rotem Besatz, Schuhe bemalt
Pic Nr 09
Material Porzellan
Abmessung 30 cm
Fernost, Kopf und Arm und Bein Porzellan, Stoffpuppe, trad. Gewand wie 08, Muetze mit Bommelschlauch
Pic Nr 10
Material Porzellan
Abmessung 40 cm
Baby, hellhaeutig m. bewegl. Arm und Bein, Stoffkoerper, gehaekelter Strampler weiss-rosa, “Franklin Heimiloom“
Pic Nr 11
Material Plastik
Abmessung 55 cm
Kleines Maedchen m. bewegl Arm und Bein, rosa Kleid m. Weissem Aermel u. Sonnenhut, gestickt, “Nr 1826-Schildkroet?65/38?, mit Stimme
Pic Nr 12
Material Plastik, m.Staender
Abmessung 35 cm
Blondes Maedchen m. Kunsthaar-Zopf, weisse Schuerze m.Ruechen, weisse lange Unter-Hose m. Spitzenbesatz, linker Schuh fehlt
Pic Nr 13
Material Plastik, m.Staender
Abmessung 30 cm
Blondes Maedchen m. Kunsthaar u. Blauem Kopfband, blau-rosa-gelbes Kleid m.w,eissem Oberkleid und Aermel, lange weisse Unterhose m. Rueschen am Kniebund, m. 2 Buecher am Handgelenk
Pic Nr 14
Material Plastik
Abmessung 40 cm
Junge, m. Blondem Haar, blauer Baumwolle-Sommer-Strampelanzug, Blaudruck auf weissem Kragen u. Spielhose hellblau, mit blauer Muetze,Muster Schildkroete
Pic Nr 15
Material Porellan-Kopf
Abmessung 34 cm
Maedchen m. Blonden Kunsthaar m. 2 seitl. Schleifen, blau-weiss kariertes BW-Kleid, Oberteil m. Spitze, lange weisse Unterhose m Spitze Beschreibung Koerper, Stoffpuppe, Stiefelchen gebunden
Pic Nr 16
Material Zelluloid
Abmessung 44 cm
Beschreibung Modell Inge m. Angemalte Haaren, hellbalues Sommerkleid, kurzaermelig m. Rueschen, Unterrock und Hoeschen weiss, bewegl. Arm und Bein, “Schutzmarke H-45“
Labels: Cultura e V Nauen, DGFK e V Berlin, Dr Senta Siller, IDM Flateyri
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:46 AM,
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Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Handing over a donation
Circle of friends for the preservation of the doll collection
Labels: Dolls Collection
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:49 AM,
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Renewed travel restrictions
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Enclosed are a few pics from our sponsors Abrecht (B.Abrecht, author of the Icelandic architecture guide), who accepted the quarantine in order to visit their property again, including the doll museum.
Labels: B Abrecht, Berlin, Cultura e V, DGFK e V, IDM Flateyri, Nauen, Senta Siller
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:57 PM,
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Snow avalanche delays further development of the Doll Museum in Flateyri
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Unfortunately and again recently, a snow avalanche disrupted the implementation of the project plans. Now it's time to wait again.
Labels: CULTURA-Nauen, DGFK-Berlin, Dr Senta Siller, IDM Flateyri, Prof Dr Pintsch, SEMOLiceland
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:34 AM,
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Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Description and photo compiled and curated from Dr Senta Siller
Name of Doll: Geisha
Continent/Country/Year: Asia, Japan ?
Continent/Country/Year: SE Europe, Macedonia?
Size: 25cm
Name of Doll: Dancing Musician
Labels: DGFKeV, Dr Senta Siller, IDM Flateyri, SEMIOLiceland
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:58 AM,
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