Not a Think Tank
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Think tanks are not a new discovery. The first think tank (TT) in the new times was established under president Theodore Roosevelt. People say, he must have been very successful, because nobody knew how little knowledge was at the back of his success. In spite of that, the thought and the pressure to TTs, has flourished.
In earlier times analogue sort of TTs were present, so one could absolutely call the arrangements at the court and palaces of Carl the Great under the scholar Alkuin as such TTs. We know in hindsight, how effectively they worked and had positive effects in the Carolingian kingdom.
As we strive as far as possible for a Both-and situation instead of an Either-Or situation, we would like to describe a structure, mostly virtual in nature and independent of personal influences of all types, because here we do not work with well defined work places and budgets.
At the lowest level, we have actively engaged NGOs in different countries, for example AFA, from which valuable experiences can be collected. (z.B. AFA).
Many NGOs have developed deep rooted structures, which deal with a product or a group of people (for example WAC)
At another level new societies were formed, which understood themselves as supporting institutions working in the cultural arena (for example SPARC).
A deeper version, specially connecting to academic institutions with their theoretical potential, led to so called -independent institutes-, in which practical work and theoretical research takes place (for example IEC).
These institutes make use of their contacts and cooperate with universities to and make it possible for students to involve themselves practically with the projects of the NGO (for example FPAC).
The drawing shows the virtual, intangible character of the model, which -if we are able to show the various inter-dependencies in it- reminds rather of a ball of wool, which is not easy to see through and if cut in the middle, it is useless. Seen as a closed system as a whole, creativity and innovation are already an integral part of it because the model is adjusted to the nature and its diversity as compared to a central authority which is unaware of the world outside.
Labels: Boris Bjoernsternn, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch IPC FPAC, SEMOL, Think Tank
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:57 AM,
The Think Tank Idea Taking Shape
The project, lets call it NWFTT-Project, stands for North West Fjord Think Tank Project, is absolutely unique in its concept. It is symbolically covered under the domain of Uni-Centre-WF.
In the first phase, experts will be invited to come at their own cost and support will be provided to them for local boarding and lodging as well as the working environment with digital networking facilities.
In recognition of their services, the experts will be considered Guest-Professors.
Contrary to the traditional Think Tanks, the objective here is not the material existence of its own building, with staff and income generation measures, but rather the virtual work, digitally up to date and connected worldwide.
Read more »Labels: Boris Bjoernsternn, NWFTT Project, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch IPC FPAC, SEMOL, Think Tank
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:53 AM,
Dolls Collection
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Six dolls from Bach Collection / Guatemala and one doll from Marcella / Colombia were handed over in a small ceremony (with with Heidrun, Edda and Carolyne) in International Dolls Museum, Flateyri on 29 October 2015.
Labels: Dolls, International Dolls Museum
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4:02 PM,